I was lucky enough to be able to go to the convention this year and I car pooled with seven more ladies from my lace group. Having met a lot of people on the internet only and now being able to meet them in person was also a great treat! The store opened up at 9:30 am and we got there just before that, so shopping we went. I ran out of money as usual and used my plastic only twice, so that's pretty good. I took a lot of pictures, so lets get rolling here!
Here is Marilee, Mark Tat-man and myself. I visit both of their sites quite often. (The original picture disappeared, so I had to replace it with a smaller one)

This yarn is absolutely beautiful I have one of the books, but no yarn yet. Again, some day! If this yarn could be purchased somewhere around here it sure would help. The lady said no, so if anyone knows of a place, please let me know!
With a view like this I could keep making lace all day long, which these ladies were doing.

More ladies making lace (and talking a bit!)

Now this is Romanian Point lace and to the left is Sylvia Murariu who has many books out on this type of lace. Just how beautiful can you get! I have the books and the DVD so I will be doing this to some day.
Below is more of her work.

The pictures below are going to be some of the lace made by I.O.L.I members.

This is electro formed tatting and I have never heard of this before, but it sure looks neat!
Stopping by to say thank you for entering my giveaway. Good luck to you in the drawing.
Hello, I am desperately trying to find some metal lace just like the gold stuff you have photos of here - do you know who I can contact to get hold of some or to commision someone to make some for me?
I would be so grateful,
with thanks,
Could you tell me who made the metal lace? I am looking for someone to make some for an historic reproduction project. Please email me at jazemanek@yahoo.com
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